Sunday, June 3, 2012

i got worms

That pretty much describes it.
We decided that we wanted to start composting to prepare for our garden's future. We're pretty forward thinking like that. The solution we decided on? Worm farming. Using a starter bunch of worms, you can easily create a box that eats your food garbage and glue-free paper and poops out amazing fertilizer, that costs nothing to operate. Pretty amazing, huh? So that's what we decided.
Through Evelyn the worm lady (available for appointment at 206-501-8844) we received 2 and a half hours of training (not mandatory, though enjoyable) and 3 boxes of worms to start our own bin. She has been raising worms for 18 years and is the only person in washington who manages to keep hers alive all winter. Below are some pictures and videos of her setup. We didn't include any pictures of the numerous compost systems she has tried and declared crap, but did include some of her own design that expedite decomposition and don't cost a hundred bucks a pop (more like 10 bucks a pop).

 Preggo worms (you can tell by the band around the middle that's lighter colored)
 A compost bin that's been covered in paper for insulation
 How'd that get in there?
 Worm video!

1 comment:

  1. I hope the cake is a lie when it comes to this blog post. Worm cake just doesn't sound appetizing to me.
